Worcester Concert Brass
Worcester Concert Brass is a local community brass band formed over 40 years ago. Their players are of all ages and from different backgrounds who share a love of brass music. They play across Worcestershire and beyond ranging from formal concerts, bandstand performances, local fetes and shows and a busy carolling season, and also take part in the Pershore Midsummer Brass Festival, the Elgar Festival and the Worcester Victorian Fair. They support and raise money each year for local charities through many of events and start each year with the Mayor’s Charity Concert at the Guildhall and have a Christmas Charity Concert at St Barnabas’s Church.
Worcester Concert brass play a wide repertoire of music from film and musicals to classical, pop, rock and traditional brass band music and marches. They enjoy entertaining audiences and being part of the local community, and welcome new members of all abilities – provision of instruments and tuition at rehearsals is also available.